What is your favorite thing about coming to work each day?
I like to say that I’m a fireman at heart. I really enjoy tackling the unforseen issues that so often pop up during the course of a project and solving urgent problems and coming through for our clients in the clutch. I love receiving new challenges and assuring clients that I’m all over it!
What is one thing you always share with prospective clients?
I often describe how we are very “contractor friendly”. By this I mean that our drawings are well thought out and logical to build. This creates accurate bids and also leads to a higher quality product for the owner.

What is something unique about how you operate your firm?
I know this is different than most principals/owners, but I can’t stand being in a private office separated from everybody. Early on I moved my desk out with everyone else and I haven’t looked back since!
In general, describe your approach to building design?
I believe its key that each building be designed with its fundamental planning module in mind. For example, in a warehouse building that module would be the size of a pallet. The pallet drives the size of the racking, which drives the spacing of the structural grid and so on. When you combine this thought process with an eye on future-proofing/flexibility, you have a strong start in your design; especially with the Commercial, Industrial and Medical Office Building markets.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
I was once told to let other people exit the elevator before barging in yourself. I have found this concept very helpful in many areas of my life (both in and outside of elevator lobbies).
Name one thing you love about the Twin Cities area?
Definitely the changing of the seasons. I think that you have to go through a Minnesota winter to truly appreciate spring and summer.
How have you been able to maintain such long-lasting relationships with your clients and staff?
Surrounding yourself with people who are respectful, collaborative and excellent communicators helps, but in general I have found that if you go the extra mile for others, they will go the extra mile for you.

Lastly, what do you like to do when you’re outside the office?
It depends on the day, but a few things I enjoy are golfing, spending time with family, working in the yard, listening to music, going to concerts, trying new restaurants and traveling.